Holistic readings blend ancient and modern symbolic systems, including astrology, the Tarot, Human Design, and the Gene Keys, to offer deep insights into your life and purpose. By exploring key aspects like your energy type, life’s work Gene Key, Tarot card correspondences, and significant astrological influences, these readings help you understand why you are here and how your unique energetic makeup shapes your journey. Whether taken individually or used to inform my body-based practices, these readings offer clarity on your soul’s purpose and how spirit intended you to incarnate in this lifetime. With over eight years of self-study, I interpret these systems to guide you in seeing yourself more clearly and understanding your path with greater depth.
ways to work with me
Single Holistic reading
In this 1.5-hour session, we’ll explore key themes from astrology, Human Design, the Gene Keys, and more to uncover deep insights into your life’s purpose. We’ll examine aspects like your energy type, life’s work, significant transits, and any other influences at play, helping you gain clarity on your path. This session is designed to guide you in aligning with your true self, bringing a deeper understanding of the energies and themes shaping your life, and offering valuable perspectives to navigate your current journey.
soul path alignment
This three-session package offers a deeper exploration of your soul’s blueprint. We’ll delve more deeply into these symbolic sytems, providing a comprehensive view of your cosmic path. As we progress, we can also explore additional Gene Keys, dive deeper into transits affecting your life, and refine your understanding of your personal and spiritual growth. With each session, we build on insights to help you align with your true self, navigate challenges, and gain greater clarity.
Multi-modal journey
This six-session package blends breathwork, somatic awareness, and integrative readings to help you shift emotional patterns, regulate your nervous system, and transform limiting beliefs. By connecting with your body’s wisdom and gaining insights from symbolic systems, you’ll experience deeper clarity, healing, and lasting growth. Each session is tailored to support profound shifts and guide you toward greater sense of purpose.
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